Free Graphics - MySpace/Xanga/Friendster
Monday, December 24, 2007
Thing 24
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Backtracking to Things 8, 9, and 21
So, I looked for feeds using a few of the other options that were mentioned in #9. Topix was the easiest to use. I simply typed in my city and state, and some news came up (from and the Tribune Chronicle). This seems like a really nice site. I did not care for Syndic8. I was confused about how to use it, and I did not like how the results appeared.
I looked for some podcasts using Some of the podcasts that I found, and liked include LitListen Books, Epstein's Podcast, and Fred's World. I found a lot of useful podcasts that I will add to my Bloglines account when I get one up and running.
Thing 23
Skipping ahead to Thing 22
Anyways, on to Thing 22. I was surprised to find that we had soooo many e-books (or digital books) to offer. I never realized that we did. I have heard about these books, but I never looked into them. I found a lot of "books" I'd like to hear and I am excited to be able to use this site. Digital books are a great source. I started to think about how useful they can be when doing research. Libraries cannot hold every single book on a topic... but they can offer a whole lot more when they have digital books. That will allow more room in the physical library for popular books- such as new books of fiction.
Thing 20
I am crossing my fingers that this works. I am used to adding videos to my pages... but MySpace and Facebook are two different creatures from one another and from Blogger, too. I have used YouTube many times. I like how easy it is to look for videos. I also like how there are similar videos along the side of the one you are watching. I have been surprised by many of the videos that I have found on there. For instance, I found a "lost" or alternate ending to the show Quantum Leap. And, it was a decent quality video. And that show ended quite some time ago. So, I like YouTube. I just don't see myself putting my own personal videos on there. I guess that I didn't learn to share things. Just kidding. YouTube can be very useful for a library. It can put videos of speakers and presentations... and even story time.
I chose the video above since it was made based on my favorite TV show. Mystery Science Theater 3000 had the guys singing these songs at the end of the show in 1 episode (for the movie Werewolf). Some person with some time on his/her hands put actual pictures and the actual songs together. I got a kick out of it!
Things 18 and 19
Speaking of love- I love Pandora, too. I was able to have a "custom-made" radio station in seconds flat. However, I did feel as though they were stereotyping my musical taste into a small box. And, my musical taste are very large and encompassing. But, hey, they did play a bunch of great tunes. Pandora rules- just not as much as Google Doc!
I will definitely explore some additional sites off the award winning list.
Things 16 and 17
I have finally added my blog to the list of favorites. It took me a while, and it never came up with just the blog name. So, I have the URL listed instead. And, it appears to link back to my page. I think that I was confused by the use of the symbol ""... which may not even be the correct symbol to use. I was also adding the url with "www," but it appears that you need to forget about that part. So, I finally added "[]" And, I am glad to have finally figured out how to do it correctly!
Thing 15
Things 13 and 14
In Technorati, each search brought about a different set of results. Yet, some of the same things came up in each search. I suppose that each search looks into a different part of the blogs, creating different results. I was suprised at the top searches. I had no idea of what some of these searches were actually about. I was also unsure if there were in a particular order, so I was surprised to see MySpace down near the end of the list.
Skipping ahead to Things 10, 11 and 12
I have read about LibraryThing, but I have never used it. I was surpirsed at how quickly it came up with exact matches for my searches. I added some of my favorite books. Here is a link to my personal library thing:
I found Rollyo to be a very unique experience that I had never heard about. I created a list of sources I use when I want to find information about rock music and the groups I like. Here is a link to my list:
This site could be useful in the library setting when it comes to doing reference questions for patrons. It can also be useful for individuals when they want to look for a particular thing only in certain sites. In that way, it is a lot better than Google, which does not allow you to only search 5 sites (or something to that effect).
Things 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
I looked around Flickr, but I do not like it as much as I like Photobucket. Sorry, but I don't. Probably due simply to the fact that I am used to Photobucket's set up. But, I will continue to look around the site... and maybe even use it. I don't know yet... the day is still young.
I was glad to see that so many libraries were using this website to show off pictures. My favorite images were from the Second Life library 2.0 group. Some of their images can be found here:
I was excited to read about the mashups. Heck, now I think I might actually start using Flickr instead of old reliable Photobucket! I also liked FD Toy's Trading Card Maker. And, Mappr is a neat idea, too.
My one comment about technology is that it sometimes frustrates me and angers me. My computer has crashed one too many times. Heck, I had a problem with Search Ohio just the other day. However, my frustrations never seem to stop me from using technology and trying new things. I am doing this now, afterall. And, I am currently in the process of learning HTML. So, I look forward to trying new things... and seeing what tomorrow brings in terms of new technology.