Friday, November 2, 2007

Thing 15

I was reading through the many perspectives of library 2.0 and what it means. Many of the perspectives see this as a way of the future. I, myself, am not too sure about that. Perhaps some of these lessons will be useful in a library setting. Things such as Flickr and Technorati could be very helpful when it comes to working with the public, advertising the library, and so on. But many other things do not seem to be useful in such a setting. Besides, many of these things are old news... so the library should focus on what is coming up in the future. And, dabbling here and there may be spreading the library too thin. We can't be everything for everyone... and we can't do everything (no matter how trendy, hip, or cool it may be).

1 comment:

Awad said...

Hey... I beg to differ, I think it is very important that we as Library staff (whether clerk, librarian, or shelver) should be aware of all these "things". I bet that half of us did not even know what a blog was until we started this. Here's my motto: Knowledge is good for the soul. You can never have enough of it. Oh geez, I am writing a book here. LOL! Keep on blogging!