Friday, November 2, 2007

Thing 20

I am crossing my fingers that this works. I am used to adding videos to my pages... but MySpace and Facebook are two different creatures from one another and from Blogger, too. I have used YouTube many times. I like how easy it is to look for videos. I also like how there are similar videos along the side of the one you are watching. I have been surprised by many of the videos that I have found on there. For instance, I found a "lost" or alternate ending to the show Quantum Leap. And, it was a decent quality video. And that show ended quite some time ago. So, I like YouTube. I just don't see myself putting my own personal videos on there. I guess that I didn't learn to share things. Just kidding. YouTube can be very useful for a library. It can put videos of speakers and presentations... and even story time.

I chose the video above since it was made based on my favorite TV show. Mystery Science Theater 3000 had the guys singing these songs at the end of the show in 1 episode (for the movie Werewolf). Some person with some time on his/her hands put actual pictures and the actual songs together. I got a kick out of it!

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