Friday, November 2, 2007

Things 13 and 14

I have used delicious before, just not very much. So, I looked at the list of sites that PLYMC had tagged, to reacquaint myself with this website. I had never thought about this site in terms of research possiblities. I do like that it can hold your favorite sites. My AOL account also allows me to save sites into my "Favorites." However, I have lost these sites several times in the past (due to errors, and switching into a new computer). Delicious allows me to feel like my sites are in a backup form on the internet. I also like seeing how many other people have tagged the same websites. It truly shows what sites are used, found to be important, and are recommended by others.

In Technorati, each search brought about a different set of results. Yet, some of the same things came up in each search. I suppose that each search looks into a different part of the blogs, creating different results. I was suprised at the top searches. I had no idea of what some of these searches were actually about. I was also unsure if there were in a particular order, so I was surprised to see MySpace down near the end of the list.

1 comment:

Awad said...

GREAT JOB! Keep on . . . keep on . . . keep on . . . Blogging! LOL! I can't help but think of Judson dancing to that song! LOL!